In recent weeks there has been a lot of talk about the Ai chatbot ChatGPT from Open Ai. And of course we had to jump on the bandwagon and test it ourselves, so parts of this text have been written by the chatbot.

Kobben collaborates with both business and academia, which we see as an advantage. So we just as well asked the chatbot if it could write a text about the benefits of getting ideas from several different sources.

The fact that we get ideas both from universities and academia, as well as from industry and the market gives a duality and mutual benefit in the interface between the two sources of ideas.

It is important to have a wide range of ideas from different sources, so that you can strike a good balance and utilize the different advantages that each source of ideas has to offer. By having ideas from both universities and academia, as well as from industry and the market, we can take advantage of this duality.

It is also important to remember that universities and academia and industry and the market are not necessarily mutatis mutandis. Ideas from academia may have a high degree of innovation, but that does not mean that they are always more profitable or have a greater potential market value than ideas from industry and the market. In the same way, ideas from industry and the market may have a lower degree of innovation, but that does not mean that they always have a lower profitability or market value.

It is important to evaluate each idea on its own merits, and not just look at the source from which it comes. By having a wide range of ideas from different sources, Kobben can evaluate each idea on its own merits and select those with the greatest potential for success.

In addition, it can be useful for Kobben to have ideas from both universities and academia, as well as from industry and the market, because it gives the opportunity to benefit from the different perspectives and expertise found in the various sources. Ideas from academia can bring with them in-depth research and theoretical understanding, while ideas from industry and the market can have a more practical approach and experience in turning ideas into profitable products or services.

All in all, we think of having ideas from several sources, as this gives the opportunity to take advantage of the duality and mutual benefit that exists at the interface between university, academia, industry and market, while at the same time giving the opportunity to assess each individual idea on its own merits and benefit from the different perspectives and expertise found in the various sources.

Chat GPT in brief:

Chat GPT is an artificial intelligence assistant programmed to help answer questions and solve problems. It is developed by Open Ai, founded by Sam Altman and Elon Musk in 2015. It has grown considerably in popularity in recent months and is currently going viral.