On March 7, Electronic Coast invites you to a conference with the team "Collaboration as competitiveness".

The theme is intended as a unifying force for innovation and future growth in our sector, and EC has chosen to divide the conference into two exciting parts to reflect the breadth and depth of the opportunities and challenges we face in today's technology landscape.


Today's program:

08.30 - 09.00 Registration and coffee

09.00 - 09.15 Opening by Linn Fagerberg, host and Roy-Erik Mårtensson, host of the day


Part 1 of the conference - Chip Act Norway

"Security of supply of microchips in Europe, and Norway's possible role in this"

09.20 - 09.35 Magnus Pedersen, Nordic Semiconductor

09.40 - 09.55 Ralph Bernstein, SINTEF Digital/NorFab

10.00 - 10.15 Ole Henrik Gusland, USN/IMS/NorFab

10.20 - 10.35 Break

10.40 - 10.55 Øyvind Sedivy, Norautron

11.00 - 11.15 Håkon Haugli, Innovation Norway

11.20 - 12.00 Panel discussion 1

12.00 - 12-45 Lunch


Part 2 of the conference - Collaboration for sustainability

12.50 - 13.05 Anne Strømøy, County Mayor

13.10 - 13.25 Bjørn J. Bellaris, NITO

13.30 - 13.45 Merete Berdal, Jotron

13.50 - 14.05 Lene Løvdal, Egalia

14.10 - 14.25 Daryl Powell, SINTEF Manufacturing

14.30 - 14.55 Panel discussion 2

15.00 - 15.25 Summary and conclusion